

The concept of belonging is beginning to mesh with the DEI vocabulary, and I am thrilled to see this development.

Belonging, according to Cornell University is “the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group. It is when an individual can bring their authentic self to work. When employees feel like they don’t belong at work, their performance and their personal lives suffer. Creating genuine feelings of belonging for all is a critical factor in improving engagement and performance. It also helps support business goals. (1/05/2023)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are things you can measure looking down from the God’s eye view.  The mechanics are obscured by the categorical definitions.  As a humanist, I trend towards the experienced, operational, and phenomenal.  So, I am pleased to see the idea of belonging coming into the DEI matrix.  Belonging is experienced, phenomenological, and operational, and therefore difficult, if not impossible to categorize from the top down.  Belonging brings the motive from “power” to “relationship.” A much needed reframe.

The following MLA Bibliography is divided into six topical sections: Education, International, Beliefs, Conceptual/Theoretical, Technology. There may be overlap around the edges of the categories. For example, some things in education may overlap with International. I categorized with an eye towards topical centrality. This bibliography is by no means comprehensive. I only included academic papers or articles. No books.  The date range goes back about 15 years because I wanted to show the evolution of the topic from its original home in International Studies. 

The research on belonging is captivating and necessarily crosses all borders.  I would not suggest, however, running to the nearest database and binging all of these at once. Pick through what you need with an eye towards the challenges you are facing.


Aldridge, David. Reading, engagement and higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, 1, 2019, p38 – p50,

Apelgren, Britt-Marie, el al. Individual experiences of intercultural group work in engineering education over time: beyond ‘home’ and ‘international’ labels. European Journal of Engineering Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p14,

Batty, Lesley and Reilly, Katie. Understanding barriers to participation within undergraduate STEM laboratories: towards development of an inclusive curriculum. Journal of Biological Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p23,

Baumeister, Roy F and Robson, Davina A. Belongingness and the modern schoolchild: on loneliness, socioemotional health, self-esteem, evolutionary mismatch, online sociality, and the numbness of rejection. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2021, p103 – p111,

Beck, Seth, el al. Diverse experiences and belonging in an online, first-year, team-based engineering design course. Teaching in Higher Education, Latest Articles, 2023, p1 – p17,

Bendfeldt, Lena-Marie, el al. What makes a good school? Perspectives of students at inclusive secondary schools in Germany. International Journal of Inclusive Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p23,

Berge, Anita, el al. Belonging and participation as portrayed in the curriculum guidelines of five European countries. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 3, 2022, p351 – p366,

Boldermo, Sidsel. Fleeting moments: young children’s negotiations of belonging and togetherness. International Journal of Early Years Education, 2, 2020, p136 – p150,

Boyle, Rachel C. We are not ‘Mixed’, we are ‘All’: understanding the educational experiences of mixed ethnicity children to enhance learner agency. Education 3-13, 4, 2022, p471 – p482,

Carter, Heather, el al. Racism plays a disappearing act: discourses of denial in one anti-discrimination campaign in higher education. Whiteness and Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p19,

Cassidy, Elizabeth, el al. What does it take to graduate? A qualitative exploration of the perceptions of successful physiotherapy graduates from one university in the UK. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2, 2020, p316 – p332,

Corcoran, Su Lyn and Kaneva, Dimitrina. Developing inclusive communities: understanding the experiences of education of learners of English as an additional language in England and street-connected children in Kenya. International Journal of Inclusive Education, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p18,

Czerska-Shaw, Karolina and Krzaklewska, Ewa. Uneasy belonging in the mobility capsule: Erasmus Mundus students in the European Higher Education Area. Mobilities, 3, 2022, p432 – p445,

Dahlstedt, Magnus and Fejes, Andreas. Futures in line? Occupational choice among migrant adult students in Sweden. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 1, 2019, p76 – p87,

Dolan, C. V. “Mirrors and Witnesses: Understanding Nonbinary College Students’ Sense of Belonging.” Journal of College Student Development 64.1, 2023, pp. 16-30.

Eek-Karlsson, Liselotte and Emilson, Anette. Normalised diversity: educator’s beliefs about children’s belonging in Swedish early childhood education. Early Years, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p15,

García, Hugo A., Tiberio Garza, and Katie Yeaton-Hromada. “Do we belong? A conceptual model for international students’ sense of belonging in community colleges.” Journal of International Students 9.2, 2019, pp.  460-487.

Gopalan, Maithreyi, and Shannon T. Brady. “College students’ sense of belonging: A national perspective.” Educational Researcher, 49.2, 2020, pp. 134-137.

Kenny, Ailbhe and Rinde, Felicity Burbridge. Music in the school life of newly arrived migrant children: potential paths to participation and belonging. Music Education Research, 5, 2021, p622 – p633,

Lundmark, Anders M, el al. Students’ negotiations of belonging in geoscience: experiences of faculty-student interactions when entering university. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 4, 2020, p532 – p549,

Pedler, Megan Louise , Willis, Royce, & Johanna Elizabeth Nieuwoudt. “A sense of belonging at university: student retention, motivation and enjoyment,” Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46:3, 397-408, 2022.  DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2021.1955844

Koning, Anouk de. Tracing anxious politics in Amsterdam. Patterns of Prejudice, 2, 2016, p109 – p128,

Köpfer, Andreas, el al. Children’s spaces of belonging in schools: bringing theories and stakeholder perspectives into dialogue. International Journal of Inclusive Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p13,

Sirkko, R, el al. School assistants’ experiences of belonging. International Journal of Inclusive Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p17,

Strayhorn, Terrell L. “Widening the aperture on college students’ sense of belonging.” Advancing Student Engagement in Higher Education: Reflection, Critique and Challenge, 2023.

Ullman, Jacqueline. Teacher positivity towards gender diversity: exploring relationships and school outcomes for transgender and gender-diverse students. Sex Education, 3, 2017, p276 – p289,


Abma, Tineke, el al. The meaning of aphasia centres from the perspectives of people with aphasia and their relatives: understanding participation in the Dutch context. Aphasiology, 12, 2018, p1490 – p1512,

Alhassan, Abdul-Razak Kuyini, el al. Bunad, minorities and belonging in Norway. National Identities, 2, 2022, p165 – p186,

Bădescu, Gruia. Homelands and dictators: migration, memory, and belonging between Southeastern Europe and Chile. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p19,

Barglowski, Karolina and Bonfert, Lisa. Beyond integration versus homeland attachment: how migrant organizations affect processes of anchoring and embedding. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p24,

Bennett, Kellie, el al. Living with cystic fibrosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: a social connectedness perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 1, 2022, ,

Bessell, Sharon. Childhood and belonging over time: narratives of identity across generations on Tasmania’s east coast. Children’s Geographies, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p15,

Bika, Zografia and Redhead, George. ‘Adopting place’: how an entrepreneurial sense of belonging can help revitalise communities. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 4-Mar, 2022, p222 – p246,

Björklund, Anita, el al. A participatory evaluation of the health promotion programme “more healthy years of life” programme among senior citizens in Sweden. Cogent Medicine, 1, 2018,

Blachnicka-Ciacek, Dominika and Trąbka, Agnieszka. ‘Football was the key’: the role of sports in facilitating migrants’ belonging and inclusion in Poland. Leisure Studies, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p14,

Block, Laura and Bonjour, Saskia. Ethnicizing citizenship, questioning membership. Explaining the decreasing family migration rights of citizens in Europe. Citizenship Studies, 7-Jun, 2016, p779 – p794,

Blunt, Alison, el al. ‘Tales from other people’s houses’: home and dis/connection in an East London neighbourhood. Social & Cultural Geography, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p19,

Bonjour, Saskia and De Hart, Betty. Intimate citizenship: introduction to the special issue on citizenship, membership and belonging in mixed-status families. Identities, 1, 2021, p1 – p17,

Brocket, Tom. From “in-betweenness” to “positioned belongings”: second-generation Palestinian-Americans negotiate the tensions of assimilation and transnationalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 16, 2020, p135 – p154,

Bron, Agnieszka, el al. Being in limbo or learning to belong? – Telling the stories of asylum seekers in a mill town. Studies in the Education of Adults, 1, 2021, p82 – p100,

Brown, P, el al. Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p14,

Brownie, Sonya, el al. Older adults who move to independent living units: A regional Australian study. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2020, p41 – p49,

Bruns, Bettina. Security through emotions: narratives of temporal and spatial belongings of the Polish Territorial Defence Forces. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 4, 2022, p445 – p467,

Bonjour, Saskia and De Hart, Betty. Intimate citizenship: introduction to the special issue on citizenship, membership and belonging in mixed-status families. Identities, 1, 2021, p1 – p17,

Bunting, Mette and Kj, Anne Trine. Places to belong? Narrating childhood(s) and the coast as a home across three generations in a community of islands. Children’s Geographies, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p15,

Burdsey, Daniel. “Belonging and exclusion in the white British imaginary: Contested narratives of the 2011 ‘riots’.” Ethnicities, vol. 15, no. 6, 2015, pp. 845-864.

Caradonna, Vittoria. ‘All the things happening outside of the museum push me back in’: thinking through memory and belonging in Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 1, 2022, p59 – p73,

Chakkour, Soukaina and De Koning, Anouk. Legal precarity, migrant mothering and the space of hesitation in Paris. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2, 2023, p275 – p294,

Chen, Zhansheng, el al. When do socially accepted people feel ostracized? Physical pain triggers social pain. Social Influence, 1, 2015, p68 – p76,

Chome, Ngala. Land, livelihoods and belonging: negotiating change and anticipating LAPSSET in Kenya’s Lamu county. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2, 2020, p310 – p331,

Colomer, Laia. Feeling like at home in airports: Experiences, memories and affects of placeness among Third Culture Kids. Applied Mobilities, 2, 2020, p155 – p170,

Conforti, David, el al. Working to make research inclusive: perspectives on being members of the Voices of Youths Project. Disability & Society, 10-Sep, 2022, p1660 – p1667,

Cornips, Leonie. Dialect acquisition by ‘new speakers’ of Dutch and their linguistic othering. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Latest Articles, 2020, p1 – p17,

Davet, Natalie. Young people and older people negotiating urban spaces in Sweden: enacting age, public spacing and belonging through intergenerational encounters. Children’s Geographies, 6, 2022, p876 – p888,

Davids, Tine, el al. The lived experience of an integration paradox: why high-skilled migrants from Turkey experience little national belonging in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1, 2021, p69 – p87,

Dewilde, Joke, el al. Young people’s experiences and meaning-making at a multicultural festival in Norway. Journal of Peace Education, 2, 2021, p163 – p181,

Doeland, Elin Martine, el al. How citizenship matters (or not): the citizenship-belonging nexus explored among residents in Oslo, Norway. Citizenship Studies, 7, 2018, p705 – p724,

Dominelli, Lena. Complex identities in ethical social work practice and research. China Journal of Social Work, 3, 2022, p250 – p261,

Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek, el al. Do I deserve to belong? Migrants’ perspectives on the debate of deservingness and belonging. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 17, 2021, p3805 – p3821,

Duyvendak, Jan Willem and De Wilde, Mandy. Engineering community spirit: the pre-figurative politics of affective citizenship in Dutch local governance. Citizenship Studies, 8, 2016, p973 – p993,

Duyvendak, Jan Willem, el al. Homing the Dutch. An introduction. Home Cultures, 2, 2016, p87 – p100,

Eek-Karlsson, Liselotte and Emilson, Anette. Doing belonging in early childhood settings in Sweden. Early Child Development and Care, 14, 2022, p2234 – p2245,

Erdal, Marta Bivand and Midtb, Arnfinn H. ‘Birthplace unknown’: on the symbolic value of the passport for identity-construction among naturalised citizens. Identities, Latest Articles, 2021, p1 – p19,

Erdal, Marta Bivand. Migrants’ Multifocal Sedentarism: Ambivalent Belonging and Desired Recognition in Transnational Social Fields Connecting Pakistan and Norway. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 5, 2021, p643 – p659,

Fathi, Mastoureh. ‘My life is on hold’: examining home, belonging and temporality among migrant men in Ireland. Gender, Place & Culture, 8, 2022, p1097 – p1120,

Graeve, Katrien de. ‘They Have Our Culture’: Negotiating Migration in Belgian-Ethiopian Transnational Adoption. Ethnos, 1, 2015, p71 – p90,

Haapajärvi, Linda. Pitfalls of belonging-work. The dialectics of belonging and exclusion in Finnish immigrant integration policies. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p21,

Harvey, Graham. Belonging to (Not “in”) Land as Performed at Indigenous Cultural Events. Material Religion, 1, 2022, p16 – p31,

Hiddinga, Anja and De Langen, Maja. Practices of belonging: claiming elderly care through deaf citizenship. Citizenship Studies, 7, 2019, p669 – p685,

Hoekstra, Myrte S and Pinkster, Fenne M. ‘We want to be there for everyone’: imagined spaces of encounter and the politics of place in a super-diverse neighbourhood. Social & Cultural Geography, 2, 2019, p222 – p241,

Hosseini, Mostafa and Punzi, Elisabeth. “Through my poems, I wanted a sense of recognition”: Afghan unaccompanied refugee minors’ experiences of poetic writing, migration, and resettlement. Journal of Poetry Therapy, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p13,

Huizinga, Rik P. Carving out a space to belong: young Syrian men negotiating patriarchal dividend, (in)visibility and (mis)recognition in the Netherlands. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p22,

Knight, Jack, el al. Exclusion, inclusion and belonging in mainstream and disability sport: Jack’s story. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 1, 2023, p123 – p138,

Konrad, Victor. New Directions at the Post-Globalization Border. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 5, 2021, p713 – p726,

Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro, el al. Everyday negotiations of belonging – making Mexican masks together with unaccompanied minors in Finland. Journal of Youth Studies, 4, 2019, p551 – p567,

Kusters, Annelies. When transport becomes a destination: deaf spaces and networks on the Mumbai suburban trains. Journal of Cultural Geography, 2, 2017, p170 – p193,

Kynsilehto, Anitta. Afterword: on communities, language, and everyday (academic) citizenship. Citizenship Studies, 6, 2021, p870 – p877,

Lahti, Janne. Südwester Reiter: Fear, Belonging, and Settler Colonial Violence in Namibia. Journal of Genocide Research, 4, 2022, p529 – p548,

Layton, Catherine A. Living through housing policy changes in twentieth-century England: some implications for today. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 1, 2014, p215 – p232,

Lobo, Michele. Interethnic Understanding and Belonging in Suburban Melbourne. Urban Policy and Research, 1, 2010, p85 – p99,

Luguetti, Carla, el al. Beyond integration: football as a mobile, transnational sphere of belonging for refugee-background young people. Leisure Studies, 1, 2022, p42 – p55,

Manka, Mikko. Interrail youth travel (re)producing communities of belonging – memories of Finnish travellers 1972-1991. Journal of Tourism History, 2, 2022, p215 – p237,

Marzi, Sonja. ‘We are labeled as gang members, even though we are not’: belonging, aspirations and social mobility in Cartagena. Development Studies Research, 1, 2018, p15 – p25,

Moloney, Gail E. “Belonging and identity: A study of social group membership and identity in contemporary society.” British Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 41, no. 3, 2002, pp. 409-427.

Morrice, Linda. British citizenship, gender and migration: the containment of cultural differences and the stratification of belonging. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 5, 2017, p597 – p609,

Munkejord, Mai Camilla and Wara, Tatiana. Female Russian migrants in Norway and their stories about International Women’s Day. Journal of Peace Education, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p16,

Noble, Kate and Wallis, Nicola. Leave only footprints: how children communicate a sense of ownership and belonging in an art gallery. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 3, 2022, p344 – p359,

O’Byrne, Ryan Joseph. Marriage and belonging among South Sudanese Acholi refugees in New Zealand. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 3, 2022, p444 – p458,

Parker, Samuel. ‘Just eating and sleeping’: asylum seekers’ constructions of belonging within a restrictive policy environment. Critical Discourse Studies, 3, 2020, p243 – p259,, Aisha. Negotiating British Muslim belonging: a qualitative longitudinal study. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 10, 2019, p1632 – p1650,

Pinkster, Fenne M. Narratives of neighbourhood change and loss of belonging in an urban garden village. Social & Cultural Geography, 7, 2016, p871 – p891,

Rana, Jasmijn. Gendered enskilment: becoming women through recreational running. The Senses and Society, 3, 2022, p290 – p302,

Schrover, Marlou. Parenting, citizenship and belonging in Dutch adoption debates 1900-1995. Identities, 1, 2021, p93 – p110,

Soytemel, Ebru. “Belonging” in the gentrified Golden Horn/Halic neighbourhoods of Istanbul. Urban Geography, 1, 2015, p64 – p89,

Staring, Richard and Van Liempt, Ilse. Homemaking and Places of Restoration: Belonging Within and Beyond Places Assigned to Syrian Refugees in the Netherlands. Geographical Review, 2, 2021, p308 – p326,

Suerbaum, Magdalena. In search of legal stability: predicaments of asylum-seeking mothers in Berlin. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2, 2023, p254 – p274,

Suerbaum, Magdalena. Navigating citizenship and motherhood in and beyond Berlin. Citizenship Studies, 6, 2022, p834 – p851,

Susewind, Raphael. Dreaming in the shadow of history: micro-mobilities and belonging in Lucknow. Contemporary South Asia, 4, 2021, p500 – p513,

Wilde, Mandy de. Home is Where the Habit of the Heart is. Governing a gendered sphere of belonging. Home Cultures, 2, 2016, p123 – p144,

Zontini, Elisabetta. Growing old in a transnational social field: belonging, mobility and identity among Italian migrants. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2, 2015, p326 – p341,

Zontini, Elisabetta. Growing old in a transnational social field: belonging, mobility and identity among Italian migrants. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2, 2015, p326 – p341,


Besselsen, Elles and De Hart, Betty. ‘Everything went according to the rules’. Female citizen sponsors’ legal consciousness, intimate citizenship and family migration law. Identities, 1, 2021, p37 – p55,

Binfield, Clyde. Baptists in Sacred Space? Worship, Buildings, and Belonging. Baptist Quarterly, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p23,

Conner, Neil. Religion And The Social Integration Of Migrants In Dublin, Ireland. Geographical Review, 1, 2019, p27 – p46,

Leary, Mark R. Emotional reactions to threats to acceptance and belonging: a retrospective look at the big picture. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2021, p4 – p11,

Fowler, Madeline and Gheith, Jehanne. A Therapeutic Welcome: Mental Health within the Reality Ministries Disability Community. Journal of Disability & Religion, Latest Articles, 2022, p1 – p25,

Franklin, Adrian and Tranter, Bruce. Loneliness and the cultural, spatial, temporal and generational bases of belonging. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2021, p57 – p69,

Fuchs, Maria-Magdalena and Fuchs, Simon Wolfgang. Religious Minorities in Pakistan: Identities, Citizenship and Social Belonging. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 1, 2020, p52 – p67,

Haghighi, Mohammad, el al. Exploring the lived experiences of the suicide attempt survivors: a phenomenological approach. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 1, 2020, ,

Nielsen, Sabine Dahl and Petersen, Anne Ring. The reconfiguration of publics and spaces through art: strategies of agitation and amelioration. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 1, 2021,

Petersen, Anne Ring. (Post-)Migration in the age of globalisation: new challenges to imagination and representation. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 2, 2017, p1 – p12,

Toomistu, Terje. Thinking through the s(k)in. Indonesian waria and bodily negotiations of belonging across religious sensitivities. Indonesia and the Malay World, 146, 2022, p73 – p95,

van, Margaretha A. The promise of the social contract: Muslim perspectives on the culturalization of citizenship and the demand to denounce violent extremism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 16, 2019, p141 – p158,

van Ommen, Armand Léon. Re-imagining church through autism: a Singaporean case study. Practical Theology, 6, 2022, p508 – p519,


Ajjawi, Rola and Gravett, Karen. Belonging as situated practice. Studies in Higher Education, 7, 2022, p1386 – p1396,

Allen, Kelly-Ann, el al. Belonging: a review of conceptual issues, an integrative framework, and directions for future research. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2021, p87 – p102,

Allen, Kelly-Ann and Craig, Heather. Introducing a dual continuum model of belonging and loneliness. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2021, p81 – p86,

Baumeister, RF and Leary, MR. “The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments fundamental human motivation,” Psychological Bulletin, vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 208, 1995.

Brown, Lorraine. Worlds Apart: The Barrier Between East and West. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 3, 2009, p240 – p259,

Cohen, Robin. Citizenship: from three to seven principles of belonging. Social Identities, 1, 2022, p139 – p146,

Eijberts, Melanie and Ghorashi, Halleh. Biographies and the doubleness of inclusion and exclusion. Social Identities, 2, 2017, p163 – p178,

Leach,  N. “Belonging: Towards a theory of identification with space,” in Habitus: A Sense of Place, J. Hillier and E. Rooksby, Eds. Rutledge.

Massey, Douglas S. “The age of extremes: Concentrated affluence and poverty in the twenty-first century.” Demography, vol. 47, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1-16.

May, V. May, “Self, belonging and social change,” Sociology, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 369, 2011.

Miller, L “Belonging to country-A philosophical anthropology,” Journal of Australian Studies, vol. 27, no. 76, pp. 221, 2009.

Owen, David. Of acknowledgement, manners and multicultural democratic society. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 3, 2023, p495 – p501,

Panter, Sarah. Zwischen Verlust und Aneignung von “Heimat”: Transatlantische Reflexionen deutscher Revolutionsflüchtlinge nach 1848/49. The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory, 3, 2021, p276 – p292,

Wall, Ed. Incompleteness: landscapes, cartographies, citizenships. Landscape Research, 2, 2022, p179 – p194,

 Wetherell, Margaret. “Affect and emotion: A new social science understanding.” Sage Publications, vol. 38, no. 8, 2012, pp. 1075-1088.

Yorke, M. The development and initial use of a survey of student ‘belongingness,’ engagement and self-confidence in UK higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol. 41, no. 2016, pp. 154-166.

Yosso, Tara J. “Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth.” Race Ethnicity and Education, vol. 8, no. 1, 2005, pp. 69-91.


Anandavalli, S, el al. Belonging and loneliness in cyberspace: impacts of social media on adolescents’ well-being. Australian Journal of Psychology, 1, 2021, p12 – p23,

Hafermalz, Ella and Riemer, Kai. Productive and connected while working from home: what client-facing remote workers can learn from telenurses about ‘belonging through technology’. European Journal of Information Systems, 1, 2021, p89 – p99,

Saeri, Alexander K, el al. Threats to belonging on Facebook: lurking and ostracism. Social Influence, 1, 2015, p31 – p42,